

FXtax.net is a tool which allows you to compare, calculate, convert, visualize tax rates, currencies and economic indicators of world countries, all in one place. Its main feature of currency conversion is empowered with providing country's location on a map, economy indicators with time-series, various tax rates.

FXtax.net is built from the knowledge of seasoned experts with years of work experince in accounting services and information technology firms, where they built information systems that supported core accounting processes. Such experience enabled combining multiple complementary processes in one place, as well as to bring a new approach to these fields.


FXtax.net is built with cutting-edge technology, which allows it to quickly synthetize multiple sources of various, complex data in real time.

Information is gathered from trustworthy resources and combined in a way that provides users with many information sources in one place in the most coherent and efficient way.


FXtax.net brings a way to quickly synthesize and compare many resources at once, all in one place:

  • side by side tax rates comparison
  • conversion of multiple currencies on a cross rates table
  • currencies with trends visualization on a map
  • currency conversion, tax calculation, with historical trends