Visualize world currencies on the world map with trends comparison

Interactive graphical representation of currencies on the world map that allows you to compare and visualize currencies around the world

How to use the world currencies map

  • Select base currency by name or by country, which are listed in alphabetical order, which makes it easy to find either country or currency. Use the search function for finding a country or currency rapidly.
  • The value of all other currencies is automatically converted and displayed on the map. Different colors will mark countries where its value falls, and where it rises over the last period. If you want to calculate values of many currencies at once, use multiple currencies converter.
  • Color scheme is used to distinct value in different countries. Green color means selected currency's value rises against that currency, and red means it falls.
  • When you hover/tap/select over the country, along with currency trend, you will see some of the country's general information and economic indicators such as population, currency, FX regime, inflation rate, GDP etc. You can close this box to get a view of the map only.
  • You can read more about how this tool can help you.

The world map of currencies

At a glance compare and visualize in which countries certain currency has the highest value, and in which the lowest, relative to selected (base) currency. Along with the currency name, symbol and trend, you can also see basic information about countries. Selected country will stay fixed on the map so you can easily browse the map and have focus on the selected currency and country.

World currencies interactive map

What is the world map of currencies useful for?

With this information, you can broaden insights about how the currency in respective countries stands against the base currency. For example, if you are traveling, you can see in which countries the currency is strongest, and in which is the weakest.

If you are planning moving your business, along with currency's comparison against local currencies, you can research economic indicators of the country, and get a broad insight of the country's economic status.

You can use it as a world map atlas, a source of information about the world countries and currencies. Use it to explore and boost your general geographic knowledge about countries and currencies. By selecting the country or currency, you will quickly find country's location, learn about country flags, currency name and currency abbreviation (code). You can see informationa bout population and status of the country/territory (if it is independent or a part of anohter country).