Calculate currency exchange rates and tax rates around the world, with inverse calculation feature

This tool lets you convert currencies of the world and calculate tax rates at once, in one place, get inversed values and visualize and analyze economic indicators of world countries, with historical trends charts

How to use inverse tax calculator and currency converter

  • Select from more than 150 currencies circulating in more than 240 countries and territories all over the world and analyze currency's trends on a historical trends chart.
  • You can select currency or search it by country simply by clicking on a map. You can also see general information about the country, along with country's economic indicators and trends over the last years and compare it with other countries and currencies. Every country has overall ranking for each indicator, with historical data.
  • To get inversed exchange rate, after selecting, swap currencies, and they will be reversed. If you type in the values, the counter currency will change its value automatically.
  • While calculating currencies, you can simultaneously calculate tax by selecting one of various tax rates. This feature is also a reverse tax calculator: you can determine the amount (net) by entering tax amount (gross). If you want to compare many tax rates between many countries at once, side by side, you can use our tax rates comparison tool.
  • Upon selection, automatical calculation will be performed for all figures at once: base currency, foreign currency, as well as tax and total amount for both currencies at the same time.
  • You can also convert selected currency to multiple currencies at once with the cross rates calculator. If you want to convert multiple world currencies at once, you can use our multiple currency converter.
  • You can get more information about how to use this tool.
Select country or click on the map
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Economy statistics with 5 years trend
Ease of doing business rank
Inflation rate (CPI)
GDP (per capita PPP)
GDP (per capita) growth rate
Central bank interest rate
Considered a tax haven?
Source: Wikipedia, World Bank, 2022.

Select currencies

FX regime type
Select counter currency
1 USD = 0.8937
1 EUR = 1.1189
Historical trends chart

Select tax

Source: Wikipedia, 2022

VAT or GST or sales tax


Corporate tax


Income tax (lowest marginal rate)


Income tax (highest marginal rate)

Enter custom tax rate:
Total base
Total counter

Cross rates calculator

Euro (EUR)

    What can you do with tax calculator and currency converter?

    It can be handy and informative for working out the cost of items, or planning your budget when travelling abroad. It is also useful for buying online to help you compare the costs. It's very handy when calculating VAT, breaking down the sales price, for manual billing and invoices with different tax rates. It can even be used when studying accounting, or planning to start your business abroad, along with tax rates comparison tool.

    You can calculate inverse currency exchange rate, as well as work out reverse tax, backward from total/gross amount. Simply enter the amounts in selected field (counter currency for currency, and gross amount for taxes), and the reverse calculation will perform automatically. Use swap button to reverse currencies.

    You can quickly convert currency and at the same time calculate tax, for the vast number of countries around the world. You can set custom tax percentage if doing non-tax related calculations.

    You can select currency by selecting it from the countries list, or from the currencies list, both given in alphabetical order, with search funcionality to rapidly find your country/curency. You can also quickly swap base and foreign currencies.

    As a special feature, you can select currency by selecting country on the world map. Either way you select, both the currency and tax rates will be automatically populated. It is even more informative when used in combination with the world map of currencies.

    When calculating tax, you can choose from multiple tax rates at once. For your convenience, you can add your own tax rate, i.e. enter custom tax rate.

    You can calculate both included (gross) and excluded (net) tax, and you can get net/gross amount from the total amount, and vice versa. It can be used as an percentage calculator, so you don't have to do calculations off the top of your head.

    Disclaimer: This website and information contained herein is for illustrative purposes only. No guarantee is made for the accuracy of the data provided, and owner of this site is not liable for any damage or loss of profits caused by the use of or inability to use information from this website. Consult a suitably qualified professional before making any decision in connection with any information on this website.